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OLAVOGA - the official partner shop
Express shipping
14 days return policy
Made in Poland
Delivery across europe

How to buy OLAVOGA

Choosing the product

  • Click on the product you are interested in to go to the product page. 
  • Read the product description, view photos and check the availability of sizes or colour variants. 
  • If you are happy with the product, add it to your basket.

Go to checkout

  • After adding all the products to the cart, go to checkout.

Filling in the data

  • Wypełnij formularz danych osobowych i adresowych.
  • Kliknij przycisk Dalej, aby przejść do wyboru metod dostawy i płatności.

Placing an order

  • Select your preferred payment method (e.g. credit card, bank transfer, payment on delivery). 
  • Check the order again, making sure all the data is correct. 
  • Accept Terms and Conditions.
  • Place your order by clicking on the Purchase with obligation to pay button